*Editor’s Note: This entry is published from a real-time perspective, as penned originally. Due to its emotional content, the author debated on whether to include it, and ultimately decided relaying his micro-apocalypses within his individual life during the year of 2020, was a fair addendum to the macro-apocalypses occurring outside.
I’m gutted.
Utterly heartbroken.
Typing this through tears, that’s all I got today, a shit ton of burning tears.
My gal convinced me to put pen to paper in my grief.
I don’t really want to, but here’s as good a place to purge these emotions out as any, I suppose. Better than taking it out on the next unmasked idiot I see on the street, which is what I feel like doing right now.
So I’ve mentioned my dogs.
Australian Shepherds.
They’re the best.
They’re everything to me.
They’re as much my children to me as my human ones. I don’t distinguish my bonds based on species nor life spans.
My eldest girl is a red tri.
Her name is Tara.
She is the matriarch of our entire clan.
She died today.