You’re wondering by now, what’s the difference between systemic racism and what this Bard dude is calling whiteboyism? Let’s go ahead and urban-Webster the bastard right here, shall we?
Whiteboyism: noun. Definition: the accepted or presumed cultural and sociological status quo, and the implicit biases therein, of being a white human male, and the established cultures, perceptions, frameworks, and behavior patterns derived thereof.
In no way am I downplaying systemic racism by giving it an alternate, cutesy term. I’m using a quick draw phrase to lump much of what privilege tends to encompass, largely consisting of presumed realities that don’t readily apply to non-Caucasians. In examining and identifying whiteboyism, I’ll be including samplings of established white cultures of the world, mostly those of Southern California, since, ya know, that’s my turf and I know it too well.
Perhaps one of the more prominent aspects of whiteboyism is that it’s coming to an end.