So. How much of a whiteboy am I?
Grade A organic fresh farm-raised grass-fed pure one hundred percent whiteboy here.
I was raised in small town America, in a predominately white and conservative populace. I was exposed to virtually all the things that make up rural white Americana, including farming, ranching, animal husbandry, horseback riding, firearms, hunting, fishing, little league, summer camp, and Mom’s apple pie. With the exceptions of my marginal sports experience from a lack of proper field and court coordination, as well as my inherent deficiencies in auto mechanics know-how, I’m pretty much a well-rounded redneck.
I should qualify that…I’m a certain type of redneck. Not a NASCAR, home fried, Honey Boo Boo, Duck Dynasty kinda redneck. Not a tacticool, AR-15 wielding, Harley ride-or-die kinda redneck either. There’s a whole book some whiteboy oughta write about the various factions of redneckery in the United States, but that whiteboy ain’t gonna be me.